
 WolfPAC instantly suggests to me that this is going to be a Wolfenstein
pacman game, for those of you who are two young to remember wolfenstein
it was the Doom game before Doom, which was also written by ID soft. So
you think, great pacman in the 3D style but then you play the game and
find out if you don't have a 060 then the game is snail slow.

 I was quite looking forwards to playing this as it adds a twist to
the current pacman clones floating about but as my 030/50Mhz and 8mb
of ram won't cope with it I was pretty stuck and couldn't get to grips
with it. The graphics are okish but for these graphics you would
expect a bit more speed, I have got doom running faster on my config
in full screen than I did this in smallest, I think it has been badly
programmed as the graphics aren't that outstanding that the game needs to
be dog slow.

 The game looks quite playable and I am only putting it down as its
really unplayable to most people, a good thing is you do get a PPC
version aswell to play with. If you have a PPC or 060 and would like
to review this get in touch with me and maybe you can say this game
is any good.

Available from: Cu Amiga CD 26 (Games/wolfpac)
Archived name : -

Graphics      : 79%
Sound         : 10%
Playability   :  1% - Far too slow for its type
Lastability   :  4%

Overall       : 11%

Reviewed by   : Chris Seward

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